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September 17, 2014


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Garie Thomas-Bass

Hello, I googled the name of my book and found your site. My name is Garie Thomas-Bass. I am a retiree. I am also am a new author! The title of my book is: A Season of Gratitude a Day at a Time (AKA: A giraffe named Gratitude) My book provides a relaxed space for readers to take a few moments out of each day for 93 days (a season) to calmly reflect on and jot down five gratitude thoughts (with no repeats) with the assistance of helpful prompts provided by the author. The hope is that this joyful experience can also be an experiment in making note of these elevated gratitude thoughts and taking note of the elevated prosperity that follows. My book fits in with your value system!
Available on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com

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