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September 11, 2014


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Sister Mary Bonster

LOVE IT. Love Skateboard Pup. Love Mr Sponsorpants! ROCK THE STEPS.....YEA!!!


Ah. Brave stuff. We are worth it!


There are a lot of questions I don't know how to ask myself. Thanks for this, it helps.

Erica Engle

Just a kitten myself and have been struggling with my inventory. So often I had this black and white attitude with so many people in my life and never really understood what in me was creating it. Thank you so much for your illumination and eloquent summation. Truly helped me out of the fog.


Finally, after almost 13 years in AA, 3 years Alanon and various time spent in other 12 step, you have helped me understand boundaries. Praise be!


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for sharing your experiences. You truly have a gift. Sometimes I feel like I'm peeking over your shoulder. Today I needed to read this post. After a long stint away, I have begun sponsoring again (busy with parenting my own kids, I said)... in truth, fear of failure was getting in my way. Once again I realize it is not about me. I'm just a channel through which the information passes. His will, not mine. Please keep blogging MrSponsorPants!! <3

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