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April 14, 2011


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It took me a while to "get it."
But I never gave up, for some reason.
Today, I have a defense against taking that first drink. My HP and all the spiritual tools in my tool box.


Seven years. Seven long scary years. And today with sixteen years clean I can see my part in that. Great post. Thank you MSP !

Jayne Dough

It's true: I've seen it, too. Sometimes the oldtimer on the podium sharing their awesome recovery says it took them 7, 10, 14 years of relapsing before they were able to "get" ongoing sobriety.

But drinking is a dangerous state, as we well know: the frightening/ motivating thing is that there are never any guarantees. Learning how to live with that real life fact is a necessary challenge: no guarantee we'll live to get sober again, no guarantee liver cancer won't kill us at 4 yrs sober, no guarantee we'll get the job or the girl...

So we have to learn to "lump" the uncertainty as we move forward.

And this seems to be part of the Higher Power thing, too: we can't guarantee sobriety by going through all those motions that increase the chances of it happening, either: so enter "the gift of desperation" and Higher Power.


I'm a former junkie and it took me about nine years to be able to stay stopped. In NA, our basic text says that "every clean day is a successful day - no matter what. " The "no matter what" has to include what other people think, what I think, and whatever emphasis the meetings in the area place on consecutive clean time. I had to make it my motto, and continue to go to meetings or give up and spiral until it was over. I prayed for willingness, and the desire. Two separate things.

Good luck.


This is an excellent post (including the comments) and I am going to keep this handy as it may be helpful to others I get the privilege of working with. Thank you!


Wow! What an inspiring post...Thank you!


Thank you for this. It is one that I will share with a friend who relapsed.


Holy shit, this is perfect: The voice in your head that tells you it's not working, it won't work, you can't do it... that's not the voice to listen to. Listen instead to the voices outside your head, the one's in meetings, who understand and want to help.

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