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August 13, 2009


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i so understand what you wrote. i realy never been able to put words to the struggle i had before my 16th. you pretty much got it down. i some how missd the life line, or more so just ignored it. unlike you i had forgotton about my sponsees and my connections in the fellowship. i have watched the people i first got sober with, some have hit the twenty year mark , others came open there 16th and did not make it. most never returned, others died. thank you for your sharing, no matter how many times i hear it, i need to be remind that i have no defence but a higherpower.

Girl About Beantown

Thank you for this entry, I don't have anywhere near 16 years, but I have enough time under my belt to know that my creeping desire for a drink lately has nothing to do with a drink. It's that tension and self-pity you described, and I need to deal with the source of it ASAP. Thanks to you and my sponsor, I know just how to do that, sooner rather than later.

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